TDP supremo Chandrababu Naidu has said that the all party meeting convened by the Centre was a drama of Congress party. He has alleged the Centre, instead of solving Telangana issue, was trying to put other political parties in the state at inconvenience. He has said that despite stressing that he was not against the formation of Telangana state, it was not fair to comment on him and Telugu Desam party.
To make a point Chandrababu Naidu has said that TDP, which gave letter in support of Telangana state, didn't withdraw the same so far. He has also reiterated that he never spoke anything against Telangana and would never do that in the future. It may be noted that Chandrababu Naidu made these statements during his sixth day tour in Adilabad district as a part of his padayatra Vastunna Meekosam.
(AW Phani)