The TDP Supremo lashed out at the Delhi police for their action on the peaceful protest organized by students at India Gate on Saturday (December 22). Students gathered in large numbers to show solidarity with the rape-in-moving-bus victim. The 23-years-old medical student is right now battling for life at Delhi's Safdarjung Hospital.
The leader who was at Karimnagar on his massive walkathon Vastunna Mee Kosam was disturbed over the incident. He added that the students who were protesting peacefully, urging for justice to the victim should have been handled more peacefully by the security forces.
Students from across the place started protesting at the India gate, since this morning demanding justice for the rape victim. The crowd was growing enormously and they planned to surround the Rashtrapathi Bhavan. Fearing untoward incidents, the police fired water canons and tried to disperse them.
However the relentless students were moving ahead towards the President residence. Police in turn intensified their action and resorted to a lathi-charge that resulted in a chaotic situation in the capital .(Wishesh AarKay)