Senior BJP leader Venkaiah Naidu claimed that the central government did not oblige him when he had requested a special session of the parliament to find a solution for repeated assault on women. He said that everyday there is news about women being assaulted in one way or the other and this needs to be condemned. While addressing media in Hyderabad today (January 03) the leaders opened his mind on the issue and said that the mounting crime rates against women was disturbing him.
The veteran devised an agenda to curb this social menace. They include to devise stringent laws, accountable governance, respect all women and advertisements must enhance the values of womanhood. With these in place the evil rate could be brought down considerably felt the senior leader.
The 23-years-old physiotherapy student, Amanat aka Damini aka Nirbhaya (not the real names) was brutally assaulted and beastly raped in a moving bus at Delhi. This had created a social awareness across the nation on the evil of assault on women. The medico succumbed to the injuries in Singapore where she was sent for further treatment by the Government of India.
The accused six were arrested and the chargesheet by the police shall be submitted on Thursday. The incident had a positive impact on the society in a way, but post the issue the newspapers are flooded with such incidents giving raise to the fear that are we living in a secured society. (Wishesh AarKay)