'Speech is silver...when silence is golden' defies the Chief Minister N Kiran Kumar Reddy's silence that quizzes many critics giving raise to avid speculations on Saturday (January 26). At the Gandhi Bhavan as the leaders were coming out many Telangana leaders shouted slogans 'Andhra Congress ...Go back.' The campaign was aimed against the PCC Chief Botsa Satyanarayana who had attended the Jai Andhra meet held at Rajahmundry by the Congress MP Undavalli Arun Kumar.
Earlier many Congress leaders from the T region slammed the leader for attending a 'private meet', being a leader for the entire state. However the slogan raising in the presence of the CM and his silence had given raise to many speculations. Was the leader silent as he had no other option or internally enjoying as he had long lasting feud to be settled with the PCC Chief, was the question raised by the critics.
However a witty reply from the PCC Chief, himself saved him from the embarrassing situation. Botsa patiently answered that he went their as a friend and nothing to do with the massive meeting. He also claimed that he would attend a meeting if the T congress invited him as he was friendly with every Congress leader. This ultimately satisfied the agitating leader who went silent with the announcement made by Botsa.
The leader's presence of mind and frankness need be applauded in the crisis hour. In the meantime at Delhi a core committee meet was held with the Congress supremo Sonia Gandhi. A firm resolution on the issue is planned for the impending crisis. (Wishesh AarKay)