CM Kiran Kumar Reddy who has been defying Congress High Command over Telangana issue is trying to prove his stamina in all sorts. Now yet another bold move by CM Kiran is making high command worried as he is likely to skip Congress Working Committee (CWC) and AICC meetings to be held today and tomorrow.
AICC has sent invitations to CM Kiran, PCC Chief Botsa, Ministers Raghuveera Reddy and Anam Ramnarayana Reddy. Among all, only Botsa will be attending both the meetings and Ministers, Raghuveera, Anam have written letter to high command that they won't be available for meeting because of Assembly sessions. CM Kiran is also considering to write a letter to AICC about his absence and sources close to him say that he might mention about united Andhra Pradesh in the letter.
Other important leaders who will be attending the AICC meeting are Kasu Venkatakirshna Reddy, MLA JC Diwakar Reddy and MP Rayapati Sambasiva Rao. As all the three leaders belong to Seemandhra region, they are thinking of raising united AP slogan in the meet. However, one of the senior most leaders has advised them to be patient and High command will consider all the pleas of Seemandhra in bifurcation issue.