Chief minister Kiran Kumar Reddy is still in Delhi. Yesterday, CM met Sonia Gandhi, Ahmed Patel and Gulam Nabi Azad and discussed undisclosed matters. Speculations were high that they spoke on the burning Telangana issue. Anyway, even after a day's talks, chief minister is still at national capital region and he's going to meet a few more leaders today.
Kiran Kumar is expected to meet the former union home minister P Chidambaram and the current home minister Sushil Kumar Shinde. It has to be mentioned here that Kiran is in Delhi only on the invitation by Congress high command. What matters chief minister is going to discuss today with Chidambaram and Shinde. While Telangana statement was given when Chidambaram was the union home minister, announcement on deadline to curtain the issue was given by Shinde, the current home minister. So, that could be the reason why chief minister is meeting Chidambaram too otherwise analysts said that Telangana issue had nothing to do with a finance minister. But then if Congress was thinking to give special packages to Telangana region to end the turmoil in the state, Chidambaram has to come into the picture since he's the finance minister. Anyway, what decision Centre is going to take on Telangana has become an interesting topic for the day.
(AW Phani)