Telangana joint action committee (TJAC), which has been raising its voice in support of statehood for Telangana, has geared up to make its point clear yet another time. As a part of the same, it has earlier said that it would go ahead with Sadak Bandh (meaning road blockade) between Hyderabad and Kurnool on March 21. Today, its chairman reiterated that they would go ahead with Sadak Bandh on the said date irrespective of the obstacles.
Further, he has said that the committee would have withdrawn Sadak Bandh had a resolution was made in the assembly. Also, he urged the people planning to shuttle between Kurnool-Hyderabad for postponing their journey on March 21.
Meanwhile, the police has said that there was no permission for TJAC to go ahead with Sadak Bandh. Mahabubnagar SP has said that the police would arrest the leaders who would take part in the Sadak Bandh.
(AW Phani)