After CBI filing chargesheet against the home minister Sabitha Indra Reddy, many ministers who have their alleged role in the illegal assets case were to be spending sleepless nights. First in the list comes Ponnala Lakshmaiah, as said by our sources. Mr Ponnala who was the then irrigation minister during YSR regime. It was he who apparently granted water to India Cements.
It has to be mentioned here that six ministers got notices from the Supreme Court for issuing 26 controversial GO s and Sabitha Indra Reddy was amongst those six ministers while others being Geeta Reddy, Kanna Lakshmi Narayana, Mopidevi, Ponnala and Dharmana Prasada Rao. Mopidevi was arrested by CBI long back and now another two ministers Dharmana and Sabitha Indra Reddy are named accused. So, only three ministers are left over. Do they also have alleged connection with illegal assets case?
The observers opined that CBI's investigation has completely different dimension and Supreme Court's notice over controversial GO s got another dimension although both are interlinked because the alleged irregularities took place during YSR regime and these six ministers were allegedly involved. Anyway, let us wait and watch whether CBI will name the remaining three also as accused or not. If yes, then it will be a great loss to Congress party!
(AW Phani)