The Government of India announced the highest award "Bharat Ratna" to the cricket legend Sachin Tendulkar. He is the youngest Bharat Ratna receipient and also first to get out of cricket players.
It was already a doubly memorable day for Sachin Tendulkar as his cricket career ended with so much of honor from all when he bade good bye after he played his 200th Test match at Wankhade Stadium at Mumbai which was won by Indian team with an ease over West Indies.
Topping on all the memorable moments at Kolkata and Mumbai during first and second Test Match, Sachin is honored by the Government of India with Bharat Ratna recognizing his service to the nation as a sportsman who brought honors to the country making a number of records in the history of Cricket.
Thanking the Government of India for the highest civilian award announced he said humbly that he dedicates it to his mother.