Aam Admi Party that wanted to form Government in Delhi without any other party's support ultimately had to take support of Congress Party. Aam Admi Party promised in their election campaigns to remove the corrupt Congress party from the politics and almost did it as the election results showed only 8 seats out of 70 in Delhi to Congress party.
But ironically the same Aam Admi Party that fought against Congress party has now taking support of Congress party that is criticized by the Bharatiya Janata Party. BJP wants the Government be formed by AAP that won 28 seats that makes it impossible to do it without taking any other’s support. When BJP do not support then the alternative is only to take support of Congress party only to form the Government but not to have any seat adjustment with them. Congress party’s elected representatives are not given any importance in the administration.
To remove any wrong notions on the decision of the party, AAP released its explanation in video for taking support from Congress party. The video is made in seven languages and uploaded on You Tube. The Video is made in Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, Marathi also in addition to Hindi and English.
The video is circulated in the web got good response in two days. The making of the video in seven languages also show that the intention of the AAP President Arvind Kejriwal is deeper than just to respond to BJP’s allegations and just to tell the people of Delhi of his intentions but also to expand his activities to South India as he has become equally popular like Narendra Modi and Anna Hazare though in a small way due to his record win over Congress party having strong hold on Delhi.