The routine scenes appeared in Assembly even on Wednesday and the debate on Telangana Bill could not find any space ultimately led to put-off the house for tomorrow. The Assembly today morning started amidst agitation of Seemandhra and Telangana leaders, Speaker Manohar adjourned twice for an hour. The third time when house started, MLAs surrounded the podium and raised slogans against bifurcation.
Finance Minister Anam Ramnarayana Reddy requested the members who were agitating to participate in the debate but none of them moved. Later Minister Vatti Vasantha Kumar talked about the bill. He said, “Andhra and Rayalaseema people are against bifurcation, we (Seemandhra) are not in favor of division.” while Vatti was talking, YSR Congress leaders tore the bill and created ruckus. As the situation was running out of hands, Speaker Manohar adjourned the house to tomorrow.
(AW: Vamshi Tunga)