Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi is reportedly upset with Home Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde for his compromising decision on Kejriwal's demand. According to the reports, as Shinde did not consult Mr. Rahul before taking decision of Kejriwal's demand of suspension of cops. Rahul Gandhi expressed his displeasure with Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh and Congress President Sonia Gandhi in a meeting which was held last evening.
However, another Minister Ajay Maken denied any such news and said “there is no truth in the news that Rahulji is unhappy with Shindeji in Kejriwal's case.” On Tuesday, Home Minister Shinde has sent three cops on leave with the growing demand of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal's protest at Rail Bhavan.
Whether the reports are true or not, this clearly shows that the Gandhi's are the most dominant persons in Congress party.