Yoga guru Ramdev Baba pledged that he would get 20 crore votes to Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and its Prime Ministerial candidate Narendra Modi in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections. For this Ramdev Baba will conduct a Yoga Mahostav program on March 23rd and in this event, he is likely request all the participants to vote for BJP.
In a press conference Ramdev said, “Our objective is to fetch 340 seats for the Modi-led party. We are pledging to realize this through the Yoga Mahotsav. Already 23 crore people have registered of this Yoga camp and I can ensure 20 crore in favor of BJP” He has clarified his stand on supporting BJP and Narendra Modi stating, “they have committed to bring back the black money that is lying in foreign back for the development of India. So my support goes to them.”