The BJP government is firm on the Polavaram Bill to merge seven mandals of Telangana into Andhra Pradesh and will move voting on the bill after the discussion in Lok Sabha today. This will be first bill of the BJP led NDA government and it will get easily voted in favour. While the Congress party has decided to remain neutral on Polavaram bill throwing the entire blame on the BJP government. However, Congress MPs decided to agitate in the Lower House against the bill.
Meanwhile YSR Congress party has backed the Polavaram bill but the party's Khammam MP Ponguleti Srinivas Reddy opposed this bill. AP MP Mekapati said, “Assembly resolution was not taken into consideration during the bifurcation and how can now Telangana government demand for Assembly's concern. YSRCP will support the bill.”
However, the TRS party is doing all its efforts to stall the bill and roped Orissa and Chhattisgarh MPs for help. As the bill gets approval easily, TRS is looking at legal options.
(AW: Vamshi)