Bollywood hunk Salman Khan opined Prime Minister Narendra Modi should be given more time and then should judge him. Salman was one of the actors who graced Modi's swearing ceremony in Delhi despite getting huge criticism. Salman cited one example to say how difficult it would be to lead a country like India.
“It has been just 100 days now, let’s give Narendra Modi some more time everyone deserves it. He is working from morning to night along with his team. I challenge everyone who is criticising him to first become a chairperson of their housing society, let alone run the country. Then you will know about the hurdles one has to face,” said Salman.
The Kick actor also appreciated Modi for helping Pakistan flood affected areas and added “it is not something that someone has asked him in public. That's who he is.”
Salman's meeting with Modi earlier this year had its affect on his film 'Jai Ho' and we have to watch, what will be the reaction for these statements.
(AW: Vamshi)