Enforcement Directorate [ED] has transferred all YS Jagan Mohan Reddy's disproportionate assets cases from Delhi to Hyderabad, to complete the case by March of next year. In connection with the case, ED has already seized Rs 1,139 crores of Jagan assets under Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002. ED has formed five teams and will work according to the chargesheet filed the Central Bureau of Investigation [CBI].
So far CBI has filed 11 chargesheets against Jagan and alleged that 'quid-pro-quo' happened which is the reason behind Jagan amassing such huge money in a short span of five years. Last week ED has attached Rs 47 crores of Jagan properties belonging to three of his companies, Jagati Publications Ltd, Janani Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd and Indira Television Ltd.
ED has been dealing Jagan's case from Delhi and so there is a delay in the probe. But the panel is firm to complete the investigation process by March and seized all the properties that come under 'quid-pro-quo.'