Adilabad Superintendent of Police Vikram Jeet Duggal urged naxalites to surrender and join the mainstream. He specifically asked Maoist Area Committee member Athram Shobhan alias Charles, hailing from Rompalli in Tiryani mandal to surrender.
SP met relatives of the Maoist at their home in the remote village which he visited apart from Thatiguda, Gundala, Mangi, Tokkiguda and Kheriguda. He interacted with Charles' maternal uncle Parchaki Jaithu and explained to him the rationale behind the surrender.
Duggal was accompanied by a team of doctors besides Additional SP, Panasa Reddy and Bellampally DSP A. Ramana Reddy. The doctors who accompanied the SP gave a check-up to locals in all the villages.
At Gundala, he asked villagers to send their children to school and assured free coaching to the eight youngsters from Gundala and Thatiguda who cleared preliminary exam for police constable recruitment.
The police party gave away sports kits to youths. They also gave away books and school bags to schoolchildren.
Also Read: Congress MP accuses AAP MPs with Naxal links
By M. Divya Shri