Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa passed away recently leaving the whole state in pain. Her legacy and domination continued till her last breath and there has been no discussion about her successor or political heir. However O Panneerselvam has been asked to take the oath as Chief Minister and all the MLAs of the party signed as per the order. Her close aide Sasikala is now the talk of Tamil Nadu as she happened to be the political successor of Jayalalithaa. She is yet to take a call after she has been asked to take the position of AIADMK Chief by the leaders and the party activists.
A wing of leaders met Sasikala on Sunday and asked her to take the role of the Chief Minister along with the party chief’s role. The party’s wing from Jayalalithaa Peravai came up with a resolution asking her to contest from Jayalalithaa’s constituency RK Nagar which is said to take bi-election soon. This came as a huge surprise for everyone and Sasikala has been staying tightlipped without revealing about her future plans.