In a shocking incident, a 2-year-old Indian-origin baby boy was burnt by his nanny with a curling iron in the New York suburb of Baldwin. The whole incident was captured on CCTV which lead to her arrest.
"The boy’s mother, Angela Persaud, noticed the signs of the burning on little Alexander’s hand and feet and checked the security camera video in their home in the New York suburb of Baldwin, WABC TV reported on Friday. The recording showed the nanny, Nasipho Nxumalo, burning him and she called the police", the station said.
The incident came out only after police arrested Nxumalo, 21, on Thursday. She was charged with assault and threatening the welfare of a child, according to media reports.
NBC New York reported that according to court documents, the woman admitted her crime, saying, “The child wouldn’t listen. I wanted to discipline him using the iron, so I burned him.”
The injuries were not serious, according to the mother. “It’s a little superficial burn now, but it was faded,” she told WABC.
The incident took place when the boy's parents were at work and the nanny was looking after the baby.
Describing what she saw on the security camera video, Angela Persaud told WCBS that "the nanny pulled out the curling iron several times. She heated it up. You see her showing him that it's going to be hot.”
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