Survey: Most of Americans want Barack Obama Back as President

February 03, 2017 16:28
Survey: Most of Americans want Barack Obama Back as President

According to a new poll, a majority of Americans want Barack Obama back as President as they think that real estate tycoon-turned-politician Donald Trump should be removed from office.

"It has not taken long for voters to miss the good old days of Obama with 52 percent saying they would rather have him as President, to only 43 percent who are glad Trump is at the helm", according to a survey by Public Policy Polling.

"Usually a newly elected President is at the peak of their popularity and enjoying their honeymoon period after taking office," said Dean Debnam, President of Public Policy Polling.

"But Donald Trump's making history once again with a sizeable share of voters already wanting to impeach him, and a majority of voters wishing they could have Barack Obama back," he said.

"40 percent of voters already want to blame Trump. That is up from 35 per cent of voters who wanted to blame him a week ago", the survey said.

"Only 48 per cent of voters say that they would be opposed to Trump's impeachment", the poll said.

"Overall voters are pretty evenly split on Trump's executive order on immigration from last week, with 47 percent supporting it to 49 percent who are opposed," the survey said.

"But when you get beyond the overall package, the pieces of the executive order become more clearly unpopular. 52 percent of voters thinks that the order was intended to be a Muslim ban, to only 41 percent who don't think that was the intent. And the idea of a Muslim ban is extremely unpopular with the American people -- only 26 per cent are in favour of it, to 65 per cent who are against it," it said.

When it comes to preventing people from certain countries from entering the US, even when those people who have already obtained a visa, just 39 per cent of voters are supportive to 53 per cent who are against, according to the poll.

Just 43 per cent of voters approve the US briefly suspending allowing Syrian refugees, with 48 per cent objected to that.

"Finally voters see a basic support issue with Trump's approach to the executive order. 39 per cent think it was well executed. 55 per cent believe it was poorly executed", the survey said.

"Americans think last week's executive order is a Muslim ban and they don't like it," Debnam said. "And beyond that, they think the order was executed in an incompetent fashion," he said.

The figures were collected after Public Policy Polling surveyed 725 enrolled voters on January 30 and 31.

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