Well if you thought the above is a statue than you are wrong this is a construction to be rightly said the Tianzi Hotel (literal translation: Son of Heaven Hotel). This hotel is located in Hebei province, China, the Tianzi Hotel was built sometime in the 2000-2001 period. It is a ten-storey high representation of three China Gods Fu Lu Shou. The hotel apparently holds the Guinness World Record for the “biggest image building.”
The Three statues are of three Gods most revered by the locals Fu (in the centre (in red) symbolizing fortune, Lu (to your right (in green) symbolizing prosperity) and Shou (symbolizing longevity).
The peach in Shou’s left hand, is actually a suite (the “Peach Suite”) within the hotel, the two holes in its front being windows. The entrance to the hotel is situated around Shou’s right foot. There is not much info about this hotel. However this looks stunningly different from the regular ones we see globally. This could be probably a not miss when you are in China. (With inputs from internet-AarKay)