Tollywood music director MM Keeravani has announced that he would be retiring from films. This decision of Keeravani has shocked the Telugu Film Industry as he posted the retirement news in his Facebook page.
“I recorded my 1st song on 9th December 1989 at Prasad Studios Chennai. The very day i fixed my retirement day to be 8th December 2016 which i am planning to celebrate the day with my close associates and musicians.. most likely at Prasad Studio, Hyderabad. So it is hardly 3 more years to go. Meanwhile i am happy to start this new journey on FB from tomorrow, details will be updated in the evening. I thank all of my fans who spared their time to express their likes, dislikes, advices and wishes to me all these years !!”
Posted Keeravni in Facebook page earlier today. However Keeravani did not mention any specific reasons for his retirement.
But one last final question we have. Who will compose music for future films of Rajamouli? Well we don't know the answer, probably Rajamouli will answer this question on the very same day when Keeravani retires.
(AW: Vamshi)