NRI devotees were disillusioned after making huge donations to the self styled God-man Swamy Nityananda from India. The Swamy has an ashram in California. And a devotee Mafatlal Chavan has launched a complaint against the asharm. In his complaint Mr Chavan alleges that the ashram has turned out to be an arena for obscene rituals. The ashram had received huge funding in the form of donations from the NRI for philanthropic activities. But the ashram is alleged to have made obscene events to the disgust of the donating public.
In his complaint Mr Chavan requested the court to get his donation back as it had not served the purpose. As per the accusations the ashram trust has cheated gullible public, basically Indians settled in the US. The ashram in-charge Nitya Gopala Nanda alias Gopal Chinna Reddy is accused and the court is to pronouce its verdict on him on the 19th of this month. In continuation to the complaint the court ordered the ashram to repay 1.6 Bn USD.
In addition to this Mr Gopal has also confessed that the ashram had got into many non-disclosure agreements with its devotees to perform tantric obscene rituals. (With inputs from internet- AW AarKay)