In a strange incident, a 46-year-old Indian woman in United States surrendered herself to police officials in New York to begin a prison term for having an illegitimate relationship with a 13-year-old minor, who was her student. The convict was a principal of New York Montessori School and was found guilty five years ago. However, with a series of appeals, the convict stayed out of jail. Since all her appeals went vain, she had no other claims or appeals to make and therefore surrendered.
The 46-year-old Lina Sinha was said to have hijacked the life of the student, observed the court. The court also held that the convict tried to destroy the victim. According to Attorney Robert Hettleman, Lina Sinha first had oral pleasure with the boy in 1996. Later, she sexually exploited him, changed his mind and used him for her sexual pleasures.
The advocate of Lina Sinha, at last prayed court, to reconsider its statement as the charges, according to him were, exaggerated. He has also said that there was a love affair between Lina Sinha and her students and mentioned the statements of the victim, who said he enjoyed the relationship. The court, however, didn't reconsider its statements and held that the defendant was a woman with every advantage who preyed on victim for years.
(AW Phani)