Upendra Joge Chivukula, a renowned name amidst the political circles of America, is having a rich political past. In 2012 he is running to represent New Jersey's 7th congressional district in the United States House of Representatives. NRI supporters of Mr Chivakula, assembled at a local restaurant in New Jersey on Sunday, They disused their strategy for his next electoral move. Many of them spoke about the various services he had done to the NRI society in particular. They also bestowed confidence in his success. The event was originally organized to raise funds for his elections.
The whole event wound up with impressive figures financially and on numbers count too. The participants included endless list of dignitaries like Sirikonda Poornachand, Srikar Sirikonda, Kanoji Reddy, Ravindra Thota, Abrahim Verghese and many more.
Mr Chivukula belongs to the American Democratic Party politician. He has served in the New Jersey General Assembly since 2002. There he represents the 17th Legislative District. (With inputs from internet-AW AarKay)