A 36-year-old Indian was on Monday jailed for 30 months in Singapore and for rioting and setting ablaze property during the Little India riot in December 2013. The accused is Sarangan Kumaran threw rocks, large concrete slabs and beer bottles on the police. He was photographed in one of the police vehicle hurling a large rock and breaking the glass.
On December 8, 2013, a bus knocked down an Indian national which outraged many. 400 migrant workers were at the spot and Kumaran is the 14th Indian to be jailed in this riots which is worst in Singapore nearly 40 years.
The riots injured 54 police, defence officers and damaged 23 emergency vehicles. Twenty-five Indian nationals, working in Singapore on permits, were charged for rioting. Fifty-two Indians were deported from Singapore for their alleged involvement in the riots.
(AW: Vamshi)