Side Effects Of Drinking Excessive Green Tea:- Anything doing over the limit will damage the health. Maintain the right diet and work out well to have a long life. Most of them end up eating or drinking so much and this does bad for the body. These poor habits will cause a mess. Excessive coffee drinking will lead to constipation or sleeping problems. Green tea is a popular health drink and drinking it excessively can lead to several problems. Green tea can help in weight management and solve the nutrient deficiencies and blood sugar control. Three cups in a day is safe to drink and the excessive intake can lead to several problems. Here are some of the side effects:
Green tea has caffeine and it can lead to a constant headaches. it also leads to sleeping problems or insomnia. Green Tea is rich in tannins and it can increase the stomach acid levels and can lead to digestive distress. Excessive drinking of green tea can also lead to iron deficiencies and it can lead to anaemia. It can also lead to liver problems in some of the cases. It can damage the liver walls and lead to corrosion inside the liver. It is better to control the intake of green tea to lead a healthy and happy life.