• suitcase in hyderabad, suitcase pistols, suitcase with pistols cheques, Apsp

    Suitcase with pistols, cheques 10 January 2013

    In a shocking incident, the police recovered a suitcase in Kondapur area of Hyderabad that contained arms and ammunition besides a few blank cheques. According to the sources close to the police, the police came down to the bus stand...

    Keywords: blank cheques, apsp battalion, kondapur suitcase incident, suitcase pistols

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    Taskforce police of AP, Taskforce police arrested APSP constables, brothel house run by constables busted, Apsp

    Brothel House Run By Constables Busted 15 November 2013

    A brothel house that is being run at Kamalapuri Colony in Banjara Hills by APSP constables belong to 12th Battalion was busted yesterday by the Taskforce police. The Taskforce police in a flash raid on the brothel house arrested the...

    Keywords: APSP constables runs Brothel House Busted, brothel house, Taskforce police arrested APSP constables, brothel house

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    APSP, Central Administrative Tribunal, law and order under control, Apsp

    Law and order under control 23 June 2012

    DGP Dinesh Reddy has said that the law and order was under the control in Andhra Pradesh. Hailing the Andhra Pradesh police, he said APSP has bagged central award for putting a check to human trafficking in the state.  Addressing...

    Keywords: Central Administrative Tribunal, law and order in the state, human trafficking, APSP

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