• ATM, Ogaki Kyoritsu Bank, scan hands to withdraw cash at atm, Atm cards

    Scan hands to withdraw cash at ATM 27 September 2012

    Misplace ATM cards very often? Worry not, the latest innovation helps you from being deprived of your ATM previleges for a day or two before you can get the new one. Heck, you don't even need to worry about one....

    Keywords: Ogaki Kyoritsu Bank, ATM cards, ATM, ATM

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    Ogaki Kyoritsu Bank, ATM cards, palm scan atm will replace plastic cards duplication impossible, Atm cards

    Palm-scan ATM will replace plastic cards, duplication impossible 17 April 2012

    Hassle less banking what any bank would like to offer to its customers or rather as per corporate terminology `clients’….. in the process palm-scanning ATM’s to be introduced. ATM frauds are increasing globally at a rapid pace, adding to this,...

    Keywords: biometric-dependent, Palm-Scanning ATM, ATM cards, Palm-Scanning ATM

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    multiple ATM stealing, install skimmer, atm racket gang busted in tn could have national access, Atm cards

    ATM racket gang busted in TN could have national access 30 November 2011

    The Madurai police alerted by an ATM guard arrest a gang involved in multiple ATM stealing, they used fake ATM cards made by them and got access to many accounts. Police found a Sri Lankan national involved in the operations....

    Keywords: Unconfirmed reports., Police seized 80 fake ATM cards, used fake ATM cards, alerted by an ATM guard

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    Hyderabad, Theft, 2 students swindle 4lakhs stealing 500 atm cards, Atm cards

    2 Students swindle 4lakhs stealing 500 ATM cards 12 May 2012

    Easy money has been the search by many. The unending search for dubious income only reminds of a saying by George Horace Lorimer `it's good to have money and the things that money can buy, but it's good, too, to...

    Keywords: BC Welfare cards, Scholarships, Theft, 2 Students swindle 4lakhs

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