Botsa letter to cm

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  • congress meeting lb stadium, ministers  botsa letter, congress focuses on future, Botsa letter to cm

    Congress focuses on future 16 December 2012

    The Congress massive meeting has begun at LB Stadium of Hyderabad on Sunday wherein a large number of Congress leaders, loyalists and activists took part. PCC chief Botsa Satyanarayana has addressed the meeting and said that this meeting was aimed...

    Keywords: bots satyanarayana, congress coordination committee meeting, congress meeting, congress meeting

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    Botsa letter to CM, CBI probe into liquor syndicates, botsa demands cbi probe into liquor syndicates, Botsa letter to cm

    Botsa demands CBI probe into liquor syndicates 29 December 2011

    PCC chief Botsa Satyanarayana, who has been aggressively trying to consolidate his political fortunes in the state politics, has reportedly asked the CM Kirankumar reddy to order a CBI investigation into the activities of liquor syndicates. A section of the...

    Keywords: Botsa letter to CM, liquor syndicates, Botsa demand for CBI probe, Botsa letter to CM

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