Impress your man with these complements 26 March 2015
Usually men will get rare complements from others. So, fire off a meaningful complement to your man according to the situation to win his heart. As quality of complementing each other ranks on top try these complements which are most...
Keywords: brain power, rare complements, bonding between the couple, impress your man with complements Tags: couple
Read MoreHOW CREATIVE ARE YOU? 21 February 2013
The Creativity Quiz probably brought to light some of the things which are blocking your creative potential. Here are some other creativity blockers to be aware, and beware, of: HabitFear of making mistakes UpbringingLanguageFear of consequencesThe weight of previous “models”Absolute...
Keywords: brain, creative power, brain, the creativity quiz
Read MoreIndian schoolgirl brighter than Einstein! 06 March 2013
A 12-year-old Indian-origin girl Neha Ramu, daughter of an Indian doctor couple, has stunned everyone in the U.K. after she scored an incredible 162 in her Mensa IQ test a score even higher than that of Albert Einstein and Stephen...
Keywords: brain power, genius, intelligence test, neha ramu
Read MoreWhat is Creativity? "BRAIN HEMISPHERES" 21 February 2013
Pipe dreams are fine, but an idea is only truly innovative if the right brain produces it and the left brain endorses it! Evaluation <-> Creativity Logic <-> Images Reasoning <-> Colour Rationale <-> Emotion Analysis <-> Holism Calculation <-> ...
Keywords: logic, pipe dreams, emotion, logic
Read MoreIndian schoolgirl brighter than Einstein! 06 March 2013
A 12-year-old Indian-origin girl Neha Ramu, daughter of an Indian doctor couple, has stunned everyone in the U.K. after she scored an incredible 162 in her Mensa IQ test a score even higher than that of Albert Einstein and Stephen...
Keywords: brain power, cattell IIIB test, brain, brain
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