Daily exercise

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  • burning calories, exercise, make 15 minutes of exercise as your daily routine, Daily exercise

    Make 15 minutes of exercise as your daily routine 22 December 2012

    In your daily busy routine, you don't even have sufficient time to enjoy eating your favorite cuisine, forget about burning calories, taking time for work outs and thinking of being fit... but what if I suggest you with some simple...

    Keywords: muscle strength, muscle strength, gym, pushups

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    infectious diseases, cold and flu, how to prevent cold and flu, Daily exercise

    How to Prevent Cold and Flu 29 December 2011

    Why we get sick and how to stay healthy during cold and flu season. Here are some commonly asked questions and answers. Q. Can flying on an airplane make you sick? A. "Yes," says Bruce Polsky, chief of the division...

    Keywords: infectious diseases, stay healthy, stay healthy, Physical activity

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    Good Exercises, Good Exercises, exercise right, Daily exercise

    Exercise right! 06 March 2012

    There is n number of exercises that we do to get in shape. And exercising for toned arms are also a part and parcel in our daily routine. But here are some tips that you should keep in mind when...

    Keywords: stabilizing muscles, Exercises., Exercises., stabilizing muscles

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    Insomnia latest, Vitamin B12, insomnia reason for sleepless nights, Daily exercise

    Insomnia: Reason For Sleepless Nights 26 October 2021

    Insomnia: Reason For Sleepless Nights:- Insomnia is caused due to depression and it is Vitamin B12 that regulates the melatonin levels in the human body. It is the hormone that is responsible for regulating the circadian rhythms and sleep patterns...

    Keywords: Vitamin B12, Insomnia symptoms, Insomnia and Vitamin B12, Insomnia updates

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    aerobics, exercise pattern, enjoy your work out, Daily exercise

    Enjoy your work out 08 February 2013

    No doubt exercise has become a part of our daily routine now. But, routine is at times really very boring and stops us from continuing the same because of the boredom... here are 3 steps you can follow when you...

    Keywords: weight loss, weight gain, swimming, aerobics

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    City gyms, daily exercise 1 hour a day, dance workouts getting popular in nashik, Daily exercise

    Dance workouts getting popular in Nashik 06 September 2012

    City gyms are increasingly including dance sessions as an integral part of fitness. TOI explores this new trend.When anything sets into a routine, it can get boring. So city gyms are trying to add some fun to members’ fitness regimes...

    Keywords: , feel dance sessions, , TOI explore

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