• heartburn and indigestion, chewing food, 5 tips to help prevent indigestion, Digestion

    5 Tips to Help Prevent Indigestion 20 February 2012

    Do you have bloating, gas, upset stomach, abdominal cramping, and discomfort after eating? All men occasionally get heartburn and indigestion, especially after big meals — but some of us get this digestive problem very frequently. Indigestion is certainly common —...

    Keywords: diabetes, diet, digestive health, tips for prevent indigestion

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    how to treat indigestion, reason for indigestion, simple ways to deal with indigestion, Digestion

    Simple ways to deal with indigestion 12 May 2015

    Reasons for indigestion could be many. But it suffers us from different symptoms like heartburn, nausea, bloating, belching, burning sensation in the upper abdomen, abdominal pain, gas and even vomiting. Sometimes confused with heartburn, indigestion could be attributed to a...

    Keywords: reason for indigestion, reason for indigestion, foods that must be limited, reason for indigestion

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    health benefits, indigestion, health benefits right in your kitchen, Digestion

    Health benefits right in your kitchen! 01 December 2012

    Now, this makes me remember of the days my grandmother and mother used to treat any injury or cut, with turmeric… in the process of growing up and learning new things, we must have forgot the health benefits our own...

    Keywords: benefits of turmeric, pain killer, grandmother kitchen, nausea

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    Spinach can slow down fat digestion, hunger and food cravings reduced in men, spinach is rescue for food craving finds study, Digestion

    Spinach is rescue for food craving, finds study 05 August 2015

    A compound found in spinach can slow down fat digestion, leading to reduced hunger and food craving especially in men, according to a new study. Thylakoids encouraged the release of satiety hormones, which was beneficial in slowing down fat digestion.The...

    Keywords: Spinach can help reduce hunger, Spinach can slow down fat digestion, spinach benefits, Spinach can slow down fat digestion

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    tips for bloated, tips for bloated, feeling bloated, Digestion

    Feeling Bloated? 27 May 2013

    If you are feeling bloated or gassy, drink half a glass of fizzy drink. The sudden increase of pressure will activate your burp reflex, allowing you to evacuate the gas in your stomach. Try to avoid soft drinks (Coca-cola, Sprite...

    Keywords: settle your stomach, avoid soft drinks, bloated or gassy, Feeling Bloated

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    indigestion, gas and constipation., keeping your diet healthy balanced, Digestion

    Keeping Your Diet Healthy & Balanced 27 August 2012

    An unbalanced diet that is high in fat and processed foods can lead to a number of digestive disorders, including heartburn, indigestion, acid reflux, gas and constipation. Other preventable factors contributing to digestive disorders can be alcohol consumption, smoking, stress,...

    Keywords: digestive disorders, high in fat and processed foods, indigestion, including heartburn

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    Eating Process, telugu cinema websites, ayurveda tips for a healthy digestion, Digestion

    Ayurveda Tips for a Healthy Digestion 30 August 2011

    Most of us have digestive problems at some time or the other in our lives. These days, hectic work schedules, incorrect eating habits and junk food have made the problem worse. At times when most of us are running around...

    Keywords: abn news, Eating Habit, telugu movies, political news

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    Star anise tea, promotes digestion, 5 teas that make you slim, Digestion

    5 Teas that make you slim! 13 October 2012

    The brew that energises can also help you lose weight. Here's how... It's widely known that just one cup of tea can prevent strokes, arthritis, tooth decay and even keep cancer at bay. While it's regarded as nature's tranquiliser for...

    Keywords: promotes digestion, prevents constipation, prevents constipation,

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    , Cumin seeds, health benefits of cumin, Digestion

    Health benefits of cumin... 03 August 2012

    Cumin or jeera is a common ingredient in Indian kitchens. Apart from adding flavor to a dish, it has got health benefits too. Cumin (also known as Jeera) has a richness of history to give it a special place in...

    Keywords: Health benefits of cumin, Cumin or jeera, Digestion:,

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