• Fast food, Fast food, 10 best fast food meals, Fast food

    10 Best Fast Food Meals 10 August 2016

    You are busy in your work? Don’t have time to go home and eat your meal? You step out you have many options and your stomach is growling for food. But you are concerned about your diet. Most of the...

    Keywords: healthy, Fast food, Fast food, Food

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    High Fat Food Consumption and Diabetes, Type 2 Diabetes meaning, high fat dairy products may control the type 2 diabetes, Fast food

    High Fat Dairy Products may control the Type 2 Diabetes! 03 April 2015

    It is often believed that the fat contents in food trigger the risks of cardio vascular related health problems and diabetes, but a study conducted in Sweden said that the high-fat dairy products can lower the risk of type 2...

    Keywords: High Fat Food Consumption and Diabetes, High Fat Food Consumption and Diabetes, Heart Diseases, Fast Food and Diabetes

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    Avoid  at fast food restaurants, Avoid  at fast food restaurants, avoid at fast food restaurants, Fast food

    Avoid at fast food restaurants 17 August 2011

    Supersized portions. An average fast food meal can run to 1000 calories or more, so choose a smaller portion size, order a side salad instead of fries, and don't supersize anything. At a typical restaurant, a single serving provides enough...

    Keywords: Avoid at fast food restaurants, Avoid at fast food restaurants, Avoid at fast food restaurants, Avoid at fast food restaurants

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    sports supplements glucose levels, sports supplements nutritional values, burger and fries as good as sports drinks study revealed, Fast food

    ‘Burger and fries’ as good as sports drinks, study revealed 09 April 2015

    A new study had revealed that fast food is as good as sports supplements. The research published in the International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, found there was no significant difference in glycogen recovery when cyclists ate fast...

    Keywords: Fast food is as effective as sports supplements, burger and fries equal to sports supplements, Fast food is as effective as sports supplements, glycogen levels of fast food

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    McDonald, potato chips, french fries epidemic creates chaos in korea potato chips parties, Fast food

    French Fries Epidemic creates Chaos in Korea, Potato Chips Parties; 05 March 2013

    New trends begin all over the world but when there is a weird trend, be sure that it is always in Korea or Japan. The latest trend is a "Potato Party" in the fast food restaurants like Mc Donalds. What...

    Keywords: binge eating, potato chips, potato chips, japan mc donald

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    Fast food Restaurants, Healthy Fast Foods, how to make healthier choices at fast food restaurants, Fast food

    How to make healthier choices at fast food restaurants 24 April 2012

    Making healthier choices at fast food restaurants is easier if you prepare ahead by checking guides that show you the nutritional content of meal choices at your favorite restaurants. Free downloadable guides help you evaluate your options. If you have...

    Keywords: Healthy Fast Foods, Tips for good health, Tips for good health, Healthy Fast Foods

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    disadvantages of restaurant foods, disadvantages of restaurant foods, here s the reason to avoid restaurant food, Fast food

    Here’s the reason to avoid restaurant food! 04 July 2015

    Many like to eat food at restaurants without knowing its disadvantages. Research revealed that people who eat at restaurants or fast food centres end up consuming about 200 additional calories than eaten at home. "People who ate at full-service restaurants...

    Keywords: fast food consumption disadvantages, why to avoid restaurant foods, disadvantages of restaurant foods, reason to avoid restaurant food

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    french fries, south korea, french fries epidemic creates chaos in korea potato chips parties, Fast food

    French Fries Epidemic creates Chaos in Korea, Potato Chips Parties; 05 March 2013

    New trends begin all over the world but when there is a weird trend, be sure that it is always in Korea or Japan. The latest trend is a "Potato Party" in the fast food restaurants like Mc Donalds. What...

    Keywords: south korea, south korea, french fries, south korea

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    fast food workers, fast food workers, strike against fast food, Fast food

    Strike against fast food 30 August 2013

    If fast food giants like McDonald's, KFC, Burger King and Wendy don't open up their coffers to meet the demands of their workers soon, then it would be only a matter of time before fast food joints disappear from the...

    Keywords: KFC, Taco Bell, fast food workers, KFC

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    , , healthy fast food, Fast food

    Healthy Fast Food 01 June 2010

    America has been called a "fast food nation" and for good reason. Everyday, one out of four Americans eats fast food. If you are eating out, a fast food restaurant is often the cheapest option, but unfortunately, not usually the...

    Keywords: , , ,

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    Eat healthy food in the morning, Junk food, eat healthy food in the morning, Fast food

    Eat healthy food in the morning 17 January 2014

    Healthy diet is key to a long life free from diseases. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and should not be skipped. The fast pace of life today has compelled some people to either skip breakfast or...

    Keywords: fried fast food, Health News, meal, Nutritionists

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    fast food chain, Business, good to sell but bad to consume, Fast food

    Good To Sell But Bad To Consume? 25 December 2013

    The fast food chain of restaurants McDonalds asks its staff to keep away from consuming fast food as it contains more calories than required to a physical body along with fats, sugar and sodium to give obesity to the people...

    Keywords: McDonalds publicity, McDonalds Business News, McDonalds staff, News on Business

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    Chinese Food, Sugar, fast foods that cause heart attack, Fast food

    Fast Foods That Cause Heart Attack 13 September 2012

    A heart attack is caused when the flow of oxygen rich blood to theok art ceases due to a blockage. This can be due to many reasons. Do you know that the food that you eat may also be responsible...

    Keywords: Cause Heart Attack, Chinese Food, Appetisers, Fast Foods

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