Financial dispute

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  • APMC President's car, Kadubale Srinivas, bengaluru 2 unidentified persons fire at apmc president s car 1 killed, Financial dispute

    Bengaluru: 2 Unidentified Persons Fire at APMC President’s Car, 1 Killed 03 February 2017

    In a shocking incident, two unidentified came on the bike and fired at a car in Kogilu cross in the broad day light on Friday afternoon. According to the initial information by the police, some people were travelling in the...

    Keywords: death, APMC President's car, financial dispute, financial dispute

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    financial dispute, Datta Phuge, flash news pune gold man murdered infront of his son, Financial dispute

    Flash News: Pune “Gold Man” Murdered Infront of his Son 15 July 2016

    In a shocking incident, the Pune businessman who was called as "gold man" was allegedly beaten to death in front of his son.According to the officials, 48-year-old Datta Phuge, was found dead on a large ground in Dighi early on...

    Keywords: murder, gold man, financial dispute, murder

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