Foreign agency

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  • Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), higher education, iit hyderabd gets 1776 crores loan, Foreign agency

    IIT Hyderabd gets 1776 crores loan 30 May 2013

    IIT Hyderabad is getting a total loan of Rs.1776 crores in phases.  15% of the amount will be advanced by the Government of India and the rest of the loan will be lent by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)...

    Keywords: JICA, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), total loan of Rs.1776 crores, total loan of Rs.1776 crores

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    foreign agencies, academic blocks, boosting to iit, Foreign agency

    Boosting to IIT 30 May 2013

    IIT Hyderabad is getting a total loan of Rs.1776 crores in phases.  15% of the amount will be advanced by the Government of India and the rest of the loan will be lent by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)...

    Keywords: academic blocks, Government of India, total loan of Rs.1776 crores, higher education

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