Gali karunakar reddy

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  • Mr YS Jaganmohan reddy., Reddy brothers of Bellary, bellary mining lords to join ysr cong, Gali karunakar reddy

    Bellary mining lords to join YSR Cong? 11 August 2011

    The Reddy brothers of Bellary, Gali Janardhan Reddy and Gali Karunakar reddy, are said to be planning to quit BJP and join the YSR Congress party led by the Kadapa MP Mr YS Jaganmohan reddy. With the recent winds of...

    Keywords: Reddy brothers of Bellary, Reddy brothers, YSR Congress party, Mr YS Jaganmohan reddy.

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    Gali Janardhan Reddy and Gali Karunakar Reddy, Obulapuram Mining Company (OMC), gali brothers wealth in tax havens, Gali karunakar reddy

    Gali brothers’ wealth in tax havens 29 July 2011

    The final report of the Karnataka Lok Ayukta into the illegal mining in the state has established that the powerful Reddy brothers of Bellary, Gali Janardhan Reddy and Gali Karunakar Reddy, have stashed away huge funds in tax free havens...

    Keywords: Gali Janardhan Reddy and Gali Karunakar Reddy, the British Virgin Islands., Reddy brothers, Karnataka Lok Ayukta

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