Google maps

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  • iPad Mini, iPhone 5, ios maps debacle to be forgotten with google maps, Google maps

    iOS Maps debacle to be forgotten with Google Maps 13 December 2012

    With Apple users ending up in the sea or in the middle of nowhere while navigating on the Apple Maps; Google has come to the rescue with its own version of Maps which was popular on the rival OS, Android....

    Keywords: Google Maps on iPhone, iPhone 5, ,

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    national train enquiry system, 11 October, spot your train now on google maps, Google maps

    Spot your train now on Google maps 11 October 2012

    The Indian railways, largest mass transport for the public, launches  an online application Rail Radar which could detect almost 6,500 trains geographically on Google maps. This helps you much in exactly locating where your train is and the amount of...

    Keywords: rail radar, train, , rail radar

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    Google Maps, Indian Railways, google search indian railway schedules before commencing your journey, Google maps

    Google search Indian Railway schedules before commencing your journey 12 May 2015

    Google has announced the addition of Indian Railway’s schedules and updated information about the public transport in eight Indian cities to Google Transit. The  update will now allow people to get information about 12,000 trains, and updated details of bus...

    Keywords: Google Maps, Indian Railways, Google Maps, Google Transit

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    Google Maps latest updates, Google Maps updates, google maps india introduces live tracking for buses and trains, Google maps

    Google Maps India Introduces Live Tracking for Buses and Trains 05 June 2019

    Google Maps India Introduces Live Tracking for Buses and Trains:- Google Maps India launched three new public transport features to help the commuters in the country. All the ten largest cities in the country will be able to track the...

    Keywords: Google Maps, Google Maps latest updates, Google Maps news, Google Maps live tracking

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    latitude, Leaderboard, google maps updates better battery tough for foursquare, Google maps

    Google maps updates, better battery, tough for Foursquare 20 February 2012

    Though the new application introduced by Google on its leaderboard, is not an amused innovation, but its sports longer battery life will enhance its utility. Whether the users will familiarize with the new updates of Google maps or not, they...

    Keywords: Leaderboard, Battery life., Battery life., Leaderboard

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    Google Maps features, Google Maps updates, google maps gets three new features in india, Google maps

    Google Maps Gets Three New Features In India 14 March 2018

    Google Maps Gets Three New Features In India:- Google Maps has been vastly expanding and with internet affordable, Google Maps have been widely used in India. The search giant is in plans to introduce three new features in its navigation...

    Keywords: Google Maps new features, Google Maps news, Google Maps news, Google Maps next

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    , iOS, create your own qr codes, Google maps

    Create your own QR Codes 16 August 2012

    QR codes, are the trend now on the internet, be it publicity for your blog or a small business that you are are starting. If you are like me, you would like to make one just to make use of...

    Keywords: iOS, iOS, iOS, Google Maps

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    anti-national google maps, JNU, type anti national google maps show jnu, Google maps

    Type ‘anti-national’, Google maps show ‘JNU’ 25 March 2016

    Search giant Google is showing Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), when the words ‘anti-national’ are typed in the search box.'Google Map' application has been showing the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) under the key word 'anti-national'.  For the past few weeks, there...

    Keywords: India news, JNU issue, India news, anti-national google maps

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    Google search, Science news, google maps help find predator that existed before dinosaurs, Google maps

    Google maps help find predator that existed before dinosaurs 19 January 2012

    A fanged reptile that lived about 265 million years ago - before the age of the dinosaurs - has been dug up in southern Brazil by scientists. The skull of the predator was dug up from a farm in the...

    Keywords: , Google plus, Google Maps, Google search

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    smell search, smell search, have you tried google nose, Google maps

    Have you tried Google Nose 01 April 2013

    Google has been expanding exponentially over the past few years. It has brought into the services a variety of options, Google Docs, YouTube, Google Drive, Google Maps, Google Earth and many more that can be listed on and on. Every...

    Keywords: Google Nose, google nose, google drive, smell search

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    Google Maps Mumbai, Google Maps mumbai rains, google maps helping mumbai people locate closed roads, Google maps

    Google Maps Helping Mumbai People Locate Closed Roads 03 July 2019

    Google Maps Helping Mumbai People Locate Closed Roads:- The heavy rains in Mumbai lashed the entire city and left waterlogged leaving the normal life in a standstill. With over 40 people killed through the deadly rains, the government is taking...

    Keywords: Google Maps mumbai rains, Google Maps mumbai rains, Google Maps, Mumbai rains

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    UAV programme, Peru's Catholic University, flying high to monitor crops, Google maps

    Flying high to monitor crops 17 August 2013

    Drones are frequently associated accompanying destructions in remote regions of Pakistan and Yemen yet in Peru, unmanned aircraft are being used to monitor crops as well as study ancient ruins. Forget Reapers and Predators - the drones used here are...

    Keywords: Peru, Peru's Catholic University, Predators, monitor crops

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    WSJ, Google Maps, apple maps made a blunder but refuses to accept it, Google maps

    Apple Maps: Made a blunder but refuses to accept it 31 October 2012

    Software Development head for Apple iPhone, Scott Forstall had refused to take responsibility of his serious mistake, a blunder of sorts, with regard to the latest Apple Maps, the cartography application of Apple. The Maps reportedly have been very poorly...

    Keywords: apple, ios 6, john browett, wall street journal

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    deceiving Internet users, computer viruses threat, google maps malicious websites gains transparentness, Google maps

    Google maps malicious websites gains transparentness! 26 June 2013

    Google had spread out its transparentness announcement on Tuesday to comprehend maps of spots around the world where hackers are laying traps otherwise deceiving Internet users. Google engineer Lucas Ballard expressed saying in a blog post that two of the...

    Keywords: hackers, Google maps malicious websites gains transparency, Google engineer Lucas Ballard, malicious software

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    Stay Safer latest, Google Maps latest, google has a new feature to stay safe while traveling in a cab, Google maps

    Google Has a New Feature to Stay Safe While Traveling in a Cab 27 June 2019

    Google Has a New Feature to Stay Safe While Traveling in a Cab:- Google Maps introduced a new feature in India when the commuters are traveling in a cab. A safety feature has been launched that will alert the users...

    Keywords: Stay Safer updates, Google Maps, Google Maps updates, Google Maps latest

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