Indian mujhaideen

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  • Lashkar e Toiba, LeT IM bases, jundal unveils let im joint setups, Indian mujhaideen

    Jundal unveils LeT, IM joint setups 06 July 2012

    Syed Zabiuddin Ansari alia Abu Jundal has reveal critical information regarding the collaboration between Lashkar e Toiba and Indian Mujhaideen and their joint bases in various locations spread across the country for planning acts of terrorism in the future. Information...

    Keywords: LeT IM bases, Indian Mujhaideen, LeT IM bases, LeT IM bases

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    hyderabad blasts, Kasab, hyderabad blasts im involvement suspected, Indian mujhaideen

    Hyderabad blasts: IM involvement suspected 22 February 2013

    Hyderabad has become the target of terrorism once again, havoc and chaos were the order of the day at Dilshukhnagar, Hyderabad after five different bombs went off at five different places near the foot over bridge in Hyderabad. Over 22...

    Keywords: , hyderabad twin blasts, ajmal kasab, im

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    terrorism, Indian Mujhaideen, are jihadis corrupt too, Indian mujhaideen

    Are jihadis corrupt too? 16 July 2012

    It may seems preposterous to think that jihadis, who are cold blooded and dedicated to end lives of thousands,  would indulge in misappropriation of funds which were allocated for their “holy war”. Several bomb blast investigations have revealed this shocking...

    Keywords: Indian Mujhaideen, blast, terrorism, Indian Mujhaideen

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