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  • prostate cancer, us research, prostate cancer can be dominated, Inflammation

    Prostate Cancer Can Be Dominated! 11 June 2013

    US research has brought into prominence on Monday that men who consumed higher healthy fats from vegetables, nuts as well olive oil succeeding to a diagnosis of prostate cancer experienced superior survival rates than peers whose diets were unchanged. The...

    Keywords: higher healthy fats, university of california, plasma antioxidants, erin richman

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    Study links brain inflammation triggered by chronic pain to anxiety and depression, Study links brain inflammation triggered by chronic pain to anxiety and depression, chronic pain leads to anxiety and depression says study, Inflammation

    Chronic pain leads to anxiety and depression, says study 10 June 2015

    According to the study chronic pain can also lead to anxiety and depression as brain inflammation caused by long-term nerve pain alters activity in areas that regulate mood and motivation.The scientists from University of California have proved this with the...

    Keywords: Depression is linked with chronic pain, Study links chronic pain with depression, Study links brain inflammation triggered by chronic pain to anxiety and depression, chronic pain is related to depression

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    junk food, junk food, eat away your inflammation, Inflammation

    Eat away your inflammation 16 February 2012

    How often do you suffer from pain? If the sales of pain medication in this country are anything to go by, it’s quite often. As much as those little white (or blue) pills help you get through that hockey game,...

    Keywords: immune system cells, inflammation, inflammation, inflammation

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    Liver problems, Liver, signs to know that you are not taking good care of your liver, Inflammation

    Signs To Know That You Are Not Taking Good Care Of Your Liver 16 October 2023

    Signs To Know That You Are Not Taking Good Care Of Your Liver:- The liver is a vital organ, which is responsible for crucial body functions. The liver removes toxins and harmful substances from your body, not only this, Liver...

    Keywords: symptoms of liver diseases, Liver inflammation, Porphyria Cutanea Tarda (PCT), symptoms of liver diseases

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    inflammation and oxidative damage, orange, berries can keep brain young, Inflammation

    Berries can keep brain young 26 August 2010

    Previous studies have reported that body becomes vulnerable to many diseases during the aging process as it loses the ability to protect itself against inflammation and oxidative damage.According to a study presented at the 240th National Meeting of the American...

    Keywords: American Chemical Society (ACS), brain diseases, orange, inflammation and oxidative damage

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    diabetes new treatment, novel medication for diabetes, fatty acids may help treat type 2 diabetes, Inflammation

    Fatty acids may help treat Type 2 Diabetes 26 March 2015

    A new research has discovered that fats were a 'new weapon' to fight against type 2 diabetes and play an important role to treat it. As Diabetes is the most common lifestyle disease seen now-a-days, researches have been working hard...

    Keywords: Mass Spectroscopy technique, diabetes new treatment, Mass Spectroscopy technique, Mass Spectroscopy technique

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    American Chemical Society (ACS), fruits and vegetables, berries can keep brain young, Inflammation

    Berries can keep brain young 26 August 2010

    Previous studies have reported that body becomes vulnerable to many diseases during the aging process as it loses the ability to protect itself against inflammation and oxidative damage.According to a study presented at the 240th National Meeting of the American...

    Keywords: fruits and vegetables, American Chemical Society (ACS), red, American Chemical Society (ACS)

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    fatty food causes depression, effect of diet on health, gut bacteria increases risk of depression impaired memory, Inflammation

    Gut bacteria increases risk of depression, impaired memory 28 March 2015

    A study recently published in the journal Biological Psychiatry revealed that a high-fat diet produces changes in health and behavior (partly) by altering a person’s gut microbiota. To know whether bacteria in the gut can alter behavioral patterns, even in...

    Keywords: disorders of fatty food intake, fatty food causes depression, fatty food causes depression, behavioral changes on taking fatty food

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    Healthy Diet to Reduce Belly Fat and Inflammation, healthy diet, healthy diet to reduce belly fat and inflammation, Inflammation

    Healthy Diet to Reduce Belly Fat and Inflammation 27 November 2013

    Incorporate the right eating habit to get rid of excess belly fat and prevent inflammation. Fruits and vegetables Include lots of fresh fruits and vegetables in your daily diet. Food like apples, papaya, berries, broccoli, spinach and mushrooms are rich...

    Keywords: prevent inflammation, belly fat, prevent inflammation, healthy diet

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    sufficient sleep, lose weight, proper sleep is nothing but a waste of time, Inflammation

    Proper sleep is nothing but a waste of time? 20 April 2012

    Are you from this lot who thinks work is worship, wants to take n number of steps at a time in order to grow in the career, and not want to waste even a single minute on spending time for...

    Keywords: measures of relaxing, Sleep alone, sufficient sleep, sleep need for health

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    Health, Nature Medicine Journal, adopt fibre rich diet to prevent asthma, Inflammation

    Adopt fibre-rich diet to prevent asthma 06 January 2014

    You can protect yourself against allergic asthma by eating a fiber-rich diet, as it initiates changes in your immune system, revealed a new health study. The research, reported in New Scientist, was conducted by Benjamin Marsland, from Switzerland's University Hospital...

    Keywords: Health News, allergic diseases, Benjamin Marsland, Health News

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