Internet access

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  • Survey, Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM), uninterrupted internet access while driving, Internet access

    Uninterrupted internet access while driving 16 April 2012

    The recent study has revealed alarming results. A boon and bane travel side by side like parallel rail tracks. Smart phones are a classic example to this. The advent of Smart phone has enabled the average net surfer to better...

    Keywords: Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM), Surfing while driving, Bane, Facebook

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    Internet, WiFO, tenfold wifi bandwidth can make internet access faster and easier, Internet access

    Tenfold WiFi bandwidth can make internet access faster and easier 22 April 2015

    Having blazing fast internet speed is a dream for thousands of netizens across the world. Researchers at Oregon State University have invented a new technology which can boost the bandwidth of WiFi systems by 10 times, using LED lights to...

    Keywords: Thinh Nguyen, Internet, WiFO, Thinh Nguyen

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    new constellation, Satellites to surge up High-speed Internet, high speed internet gets upsurged, Internet access

    High-speed Internet gets upsurged! 25 June 2013

    The project's developers explained that the first four of 12 satellites in a new constellation to upsurge affordable, high-speed Internet to people in nearly 180 under-connected countries, will be aimed into space on Tuesday. Furthermore, the orbiters which happens to...

    Keywords: high-speed Internet, new constellation, O3b Networks, Satellites to surge up High-speed Internet

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    Internet advertising, Professional services firsm, entertainment industry worth rs 2 272 billion, Internet access

    Entertainment industry worth Rs 2,272 billion 17 September 2014

    A report by industry body Confederation of Indian Industry [CII] and professional services firm PwC has said entertainment and media industry is expected to reach Rs 2,27,000 crore by 2018 at a rate of more than 15 per cent. According...

    Keywords: print media, music industry, CII, film industry

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