A report by industry body Confederation of Indian Industry [CII] and professional services firm PwC has said entertainment and media industry is expected to reach Rs 2,27,000 crore by 2018 at a rate of more than 15 per cent. According to this report, the industry grew by 19 per cent in the year 2013 with a revenue of Rs 112, 044 crores. The revenue in 2013 is rs 366 billion.
Film contributed Rs 126 billion to the industry and its growth rate of 13 per cent while the music segment contributed only Rs 12 billion in 2013 but is expected to reach 22 billion by 2018 at an expected growth rate of 13 per cent. TV sector would continue to lead the industry with revenue contribution of 37 per cent in 2018 and could reach Rs 846 billion at growth rate of 15 per cent.
Internet access and internet advertising have been the fastest growing segments with annual growth rates of 47 per cent and 26 per cent, respectively and the report suggested that Internet access will emerge as the second highest contributor with a share of 29 per cent by 2018.
(AW: Vamshi)