Manyam area

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  • maoists, maoists, police virulent in visakha manyam area, Manyam area

    Police virulent in Visakha 'manyam' area 08 July 2012

    Security personnel intensified their operations in the tribal hamlets, `manyam' areas of the Vishakapatnam District. The hamlet filled with tribals seem to feel uncomfortable with the searches. However the Superintendent of Police Srinivas said that it was a routine exercise,...

    Keywords: plight of manyam, police, police, maoists

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    Lambasingi, Minimum Temparature in Vizag, minimum temparature in vizag district, Manyam area

    Minimum Temparature in Vizag District 14 December 2013

    Visakhapatnam district recorded the lowest minimum temperature in the state. Lambasingi and Chintapalli in Visakhapatnam agency area recorded minimum temperatures in the small hours of Saturday.  Lambasingi recorded 4 degrees and Chintapalli recorded 7 degrees Celsius. It is reported by...

    Keywords: Minimum Temparature in Vizag, Minimum Temparature in Vizag, telugu news, telugu news

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