Mental tensions

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  • Lady Baba in Khammam, what is teh truth lady baba, just 100 to solve mental tensions, Mental tensions

    Just 100 to solve mental tensions? 01 December 2012

    India is  land of beliefs and sentiments, from Kashmir to Kanyakumari parties may change, flags may be different, culture, religion, castes and languages vary. However one strong feeling that bonds us together and divides us at times, is sentiments and...

    Keywords: Rs 100 to lady baba, Lady Baba in Khammam, Lady Baba, beliefs and sentiments

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    Sleep and dream, Heart atacks, a good night for a good morning, Mental tensions

    A 'good' night for a 'good' morning... 17 August 2012

    Who does not want to get a proper sleep at night, throwing away all mental and physical tensions aside??? But, thanks for a hectic life style filled with 'targets' to be completed and 'deadlines' to be met, both personally and...

    Keywords: Mental tensions, Physical tension, sleep interacts, Physical tension

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