• mim, backward communities, assembly sessions to discuss sc st sub plan, Mim tdp

    Assembly sessions to discuss SC/ST sub-plan 30 November 2012

    The Legislative Assembly sessions started today and will be on for next two days. This meet has been convened to discuss SC/ST special component plans. Initially, sessions were scheduled to take place only for two days but then the business...

    Keywords: sc st special component plans, legislative assembly sessions, assembly winter sessions, mim tdp

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    majlis tdp, mim ally, tdp seeks majlis support, Mim tdp

    TDP seeks Majlis support 09 March 2013

    There's an age old saying, which goes something like this: an enemy's enemy is friend. Once MIM and Congress were good friend (allies) but after MIM came out of Congress, TDP-the opposition party in the state-seems to use this chance...

    Keywords: mim tdp, mim tdp, mim tdp, mim congress

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