Mitt romney

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  • Mitt Romney, Chigaco, mitt romney mispronounces sikh as sheik, Mitt romney

    Mitt Romney mispronounces Sikh as Sheik 09 August 2012

    The Republican and presidential hopeful Mitt Romney had blundered while he had offered his respects and tributes to those affected by the gurudwara shootings in Wisconsin at a fundraiser in Iowa by mispronouncing Sikh temple by saying Sheik Temple. The...

    Keywords: Wisconsin Gurudwara, Des Moines, Gurudwara shootings, Gurudwara shootings

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    hilary clinton, mitt romney mask, mitt romney turns robber, Mitt romney

    Mitt Romney turns robber 17 December 2012

    An armed man in the guise of Mitt Romney reportedly robbed a Wells Fargo bank in Virginia USA. The man who wore a mask of Mitt Romney, had weapons as he methodically approached each of the five bank tellers and...

    Keywords: florida state, florida state, Romney robber, mitt romney mask

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    barrack obama wins, Barrack obama, congratulations obama re elected 274 electoral votes, Mitt romney

    CONGRATULATIONS OBAMA, Re-elected 274+ electoral votes 07 November 2012

    Fox News has projected that with the lead Barrack Obama has secured today with the decision making majority over Mitt Romney in the Ohio battleground, President Obama is almost sure to win the presidential elections this year. Soon after his...

    Keywords: presidential elections, barrack obama wins, obama vs romney, democrats

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    presidential debate, President, barack obama vs mitt romney vs facts, Mitt romney

    Barack Obama vs Mitt Romney vs Facts 04 October 2012

    The first presidential debate between the President of America Barack Obama and the rival Republican Mitt Romney had gone decently well after they both had declared their promises. They could not be entirely fake but you may expect a bit...

    Keywords: President Barack Obama, President, , presidential debate

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    3rd presidential debate, nuclear weapons, obama ahead at the end of presidential debates, Mitt romney

    Obama ahead at the end of Presidential debates 23 October 2012

    Barack Obama stood ahead of the third and the final presidential debate, which was held today against republican Mitt Romney. In the third presidential debate Barack Obama promised the people that as long as he was in the power he...

    Keywords: , republicans, barack obama, barack obama

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    obama wins, april media survey., for the indian americans obama is the president dearest, Mitt romney

    For the Indian Americans Obama is the President dearest ! 07 November 2012

    A survey conducted by the San Francisco based April media resulted out to be a sweet surprise for Barack Obama. It seems that Indian diaspora of U.S clearly wanted Mr. Obama  to become president for the second term. In the...

    Keywords: obama gets a second time, us presidential elections, nri, april media survey.

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    mitt romney, barack obama, the word cannons obama vs romney, Mitt romney

    The Word Cannons : Obama VS Romney 05 November 2012

    For the U.S presidential election campaign the incumbent president Obama and Challenger Romney are shooting "mouth cannon balls" to each other or in a more appropriate metaphor as if  two F-22 Raptors are engaging on a dogfight each determined to...

    Keywords: mitt romney, barack obama, election campaign battles, barack obama

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    presidential elections, Obama, with ohio win obama wins us elections with 274 votes congratulations, Mitt romney

    With OHIO win OBAMA wins US Elections with 274+ votes Congratulations 07 November 2012

    Fox News has projected that with the lead Barrack Obama has secured today with the decision making majority over Mitt Romney in the Ohio battleground, President Obama is almost sure to win the presidential elections this year. Soon after his...

    Keywords: Barrack obama, barrack obama wins, obama wins ohio, Romney

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    economy, indo-americans, indo americans say bring the economy back to the track, Mitt romney

    Indo-Americans say Bring the economy back to the track 02 November 2012

    U.S is the home to 3.2 million Indian origin citizens which makes them ethnically a significant vote bank and for the Indian diaspora people of U.S, the key issue of presidential election is economic recovery . For example take Krishna...

    Keywords: indo-americans, nri, barrack obama, us presidential elections

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    barack obama, us presidential elections, for the indian americans obama is the president dearest, Mitt romney

    For the Indian Americans Obama is the President dearest ! 07 November 2012

    A survey conducted by the San Francisco based April media resulted out to be a sweet surprise for Barack Obama. It seems that Indian diaspora of U.S clearly wanted Mr. Obama  to become president for the second term. In the...

    Keywords: mitt romney, obama gets a second time, obama wins, us presidential elections

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