Mood swings

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  • Good Behaviour, Emotional Feelings, don t let the mood swings rule you, Mood swings

    Don’t let the mood swings rule you! 04 April 2012

    There are definitely certain scenarios in life, where we ourselves do not know what we want… here the clarity is missing… we also would come across certain situations where we do not have a clarity as to why did we...

    Keywords: Good Behaviour, Emotional Feelings, Thoughts,

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    fatigue and insomnia, hormonal imbalance, woman and mood swings, Mood swings

    Woman and Mood Swings... 17 August 2012

    If your family, friends and co-workers have been driving you nuts lately, and you feel as if you're losing your mind, you may suffer from mood swings. Mood swings have the uncanny ability to make you feel totally out of control and hypersensitive to...

    Keywords: ability to think, ability to think, hormones estrogen, hormonal imbalance

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    Great for reducing moods, Own your feelings, life during menopause, Mood swings

    Life during menopause... 20 June 2012

    ‘You are no more that ‘cool’ Mom who would be a friend to your teenage kid... no more that calm and composed wife... no more that super mom who would manage 100 things at a time with same amount of...

    Keywords: Vaginal Dryness and Menopause, Menopause, Vaginal Dryness and Menopause, Menopause

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    Ice Creams don't cheer you, Comfort food, ice creams don t cheer you, Mood swings

    Ice Creams don't cheer you 27 May 2014

    After a heavy meal, we generally like to have salad or ice cream and oh yes, we love to have it with our family and friends. However a recent study reported that Ice Cream or chocolate won't boost our mood...

    Keywords: Comfort food, chocolate, Health News, bad mood

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    stress, stress free tips, alter your mood swings balance them, Mood swings

    Alter your mood swings... balance them! 24 November 2012

    Happy at one moment... out of mind, the very next moment... Researchers have some ideas on what causes mood swings, ranging from the environmental to the biological and even the chemical. While we may find it easier to blame the...

    Keywords: anxiety, stress free tips, mood swings, fear

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    digestive problems, muscle spasms, for a happy period, Mood swings

    For a happy period... 06 December 2012

    Are you facing problems like bloating, fatigue, cramps, headache, digestive problems and mood swings before and during your menstrual cycle? Well, then the best way to get rid of all these is through a proper food intake during this time;...

    Keywords: protiens, magnesium, bloating, potassium

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    stress free tips, emotions, causes of mood swings, Mood swings

    Causes of mood swings... 12 December 2012

    If your family, friends and co-workers have been driving you mad lately, and you feel as if you're losing your mind, you may suffer from mood swings.  Symptoms of mood swings include irritability, depression, fatigue and insomnia. Mood swings are caused by a hormonal imbalance...

    Keywords: nethusiasm, happiness, causes of mood swings, stress free tips

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    Mood swings in Woman...solution, Mood swings in Woman...solution, mood swings in woman solution, Mood swings

    Mood swings in Woman...solution? 20 October 2012

    Mood swing is a condition when a person experiences and expresses a variety of emotions within a span of few hours. Someone who suffers from this problem, goes from being very happy to feeling very angry, irritable, and frustrated within...

    Keywords: Mood swings in Woman...solution, Mood swings in Woman...solution, Mood swings in Woman...solution, Mood swings in Woman...solution

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    kitchen decorating, home work, after a long day at work, Mood swings

    After a long day at work 09 January 2013

    Ohh!!! Really long and tiresome day at work... but, finally managed to give the output at workplace and got home... don't you think you need to relax for a while after all these hours at work? Rather than going for...

    Keywords: day at work, kitchen decorating, house cleaning, relaxation

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    pregnancy, health care, welcome the surprise in pregnancy, Mood swings

    Welcome the SURPRISE in pregnancy... 14 November 2012

    And the SURPRISE is the mood swings during early pregnancy... well, this could be handled in many cases... but could be a hurdle to your happiness of enjoying the motherhood… learn them to deal with them; Implantation bleeding (possibly): If...

    Keywords: back pain, bleeding, early pregnancy, back pain

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    Mood Swings during Pregnancy, Spend time with your partner, mood swings during pregnancy, Mood swings

    Mood Swings during Pregnancy... 07 September 2012

    If  you are pregnant or are supporting someone through pregnancy, you probably have had some experience with mood swings. You are not alone; mood swings are common during pregnancy. You may be excited about being pregnant, but you can also...

    Keywords: Spend time with your partner, , Eat well, What should I do about my mood swings

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