Osama widows

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  • Al-Sadah, U.S. raids, osama sons lambast obama for breaking law, Osama widows

    Osama sons lambast Obama for breaking law 12 May 2011

    In their first public reaction to their father’s death, the sons of the slain Al-Qaida terrorist leader Osama Bin Laden lambasted the US president Barack Obama for violating all principles of natural justice and international law by killing an unarmed...

    Keywords: Pak terrorism in India, U.S. raids, Osama caught alive, Osama killing

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    Osama shot dead, Al-Qaida leader, us to get access to osama widows, Osama widows

    US to get access to Osama widows 10 May 2011

    The New York Times said today that Pakistan has agreed to provide the US access to the three widows of slain terrorist leader Osama Bin Laden. The three wives of Osama are now in the custody of Pakistani Army and the...

    Keywords: Barack Obama, Pak terrorism in India, Osama death, Terrorist camps in Pakistan

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