• breakfast, deep breathe, pamper your senses in the morning, Pamper

    Pamper your senses in the morning 11 April 2012

    Do you often feel stressed out early in the morning due to the extra effort you put in to reach your office?  The one who starts his day with rush will be the one who will never find mental peace...

    Keywords: alarm clock, posture, deep breathe, seven best ways to start everyday refreshed

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    sankranti reservation problems, kodi pandaalu sankranti, sankranti time to pamper your taste buds, Pamper

    Sankranti: Time to pamper your taste buds 12 January 2013

    With Sankranti just two days from now, festival atmosphere is prevailing everywhere. Right from youth to children to aged, all of them are in the ocean of joy to the core. While kids are busy awaiting to pampering their taste...

    Keywords: happy sankranti, cock fights sankranti, sankranti reservation problems, cock fights sankranti

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    Pamper your pout naturally, homemade lip balm, pamper your pout naturally, Pamper

    Pamper your pout naturally 13 December 2013

    Don't let the nip in the air chap your lips! And no, you don't really need those chapsticks or greasy tinted lip balms to pamper your pout. Not only do they dry the skin further, but also strip them off...

    Keywords: homemade lip balm, lip care, beauty, Pamper your pout naturally

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    pamper your skin, glowing skin, pamper that gift of yours, Pamper

    ‘Pamper that Gift of Yours’! 28 December 2011

    One of the beautiful gifts given by the ultimate supernatural power to the man kind be it good or bad, see and experience this World. And not many people are blessed with clear vision, without any add one’s to get...

    Keywords: glowing skin, pamper your skin, good looking hair, pamper your skin

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    this new year, pamper your skin, must gifts for yourself, Pamper

    Must gifts for yourself! 26 December 2011

    Generally, ‘gifts’ are something that is more attractive when we receive it from our loved ones or friends. But, ‘gifting’ ourselves? Well, this makes me to mention again the rule set of pampering yourself… so, this New Year, kyonna koi...

    Keywords: ready to gift yourself perfect, neck shapes, ready to gift yourself perfect, ready to gift yourself perfect

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    pampering skin naturally, Tips to get glowing skin, get glow ing, Pamper

    Get ‘glow’ing… 06 January 2012

    If you have stopped believing in using creams would change your complexion, then good for us… but, not only creams, even by pampering our skin naturally, we can get that glowing skin… if you are ready to invest some time,...

    Keywords: research shows skin repairs, wash your face, wash your face, research shows skin repairs

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    skin cleanser, Skin mask, pamper your skin with a home made facial, Pamper

    Pamper your skin with a home made facial! 03 March 2012

    These days we are even trying to make all those cakes and sweets at home, that were otherwise out of our reach earlier, as we could not even think of making them at home… then why not try pamper our...

    Keywords: good looking skin, Skin mask, skin cleanser, Relaxation

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    mentioning hair tools, hair product, pamper your colored hair, Pamper

    Pamper your Colored Hair 28 June 2012

     Using Hair Colors is as common as using any other beauty product these days… even though this is the nth time I am mentioning, if not properly taken care, your hair color can definitely damage the natural instinct of your...

    Keywords: hair colours, hair colours, hair product, natural colred hair

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    pampering of Gali brothers, pampering of Gali brothers, k taka cm repents pampering of gali brothers, Pamper

    K’taka CM repents pampering of Gali brothers 26 November 2011

    Karnataka Chief Minister Mr Sadananda Gouda regretted that the BJP Government had given more power and freedom to the mining mafia don Gali Janardhan reddy brothers and their associate Mr Sriramulu during their tenure as ministers. Speaking to media persons...

    Keywords: Gali Janardhan reddy, Sriramulu, Sriramulu, Gali Janardhan reddy

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    Relaxing, Take a Nap, why we need to pamper our body, Pamper

    Why we need to pamper our body??? 07 July 2012

    When most people think of pampering their bodies, they think of getting manicures and pedicures, having their hair styled by a professional, relaxing in a warm bath, or experiencing a professional massage. But did you know that there are other...

    Keywords: Women body pampering, Meditate, Take a Nap, Women body pampering

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    good products, curly, curly haired don t change your hair type instead pamper it, Pamper

    Curly haired??? Don't change your hair type, instead pamper it... 29 May 2012

    We are actually seeing n number of celebs who are flaunting their curly hair... only straight hair is no more fashion... if you believe fashion is all about being yourself, then here are some tips to pamper your curly hair;...

    Keywords: corkscrew, loose, styling hair, kinky

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    your, hair, pamper your hair yourself, Pamper

    Pamper your hair, yourself... 22 September 2012

    Research has proven that hair and scalp massages actually do promote healthier scalp and hair over time. They can make hair shinier, longer, thicker, and reduce dandruff and the possibility of clogged follicles. A method of hair care known as...

    Keywords: Pamper, yourself, yourself, your

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    muscles of the face, Pamper your face, pamper your face with a perfect massage this weekend, Pamper

    Pamper your face with a perfect massage this weekend… 31 March 2012

    Just as you pamper your needs by getting all that you want… pamper your face with that perfect massage… why do you need a massage? Find the explanation further; When the body is in a deep rest it puts the...

    Keywords: Face massage, muscles of the face, Beauty tips, tips for Face cream

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    tips for eyes, Body care, pamper your beauty this week end, Pamper

    Pamper your ‘Beauty’ this Week end! 21 January 2012

    Looks like the theme of all Woman related articles is ‘Week End’… well, what more could we expect for rather than two entire days for taking care of our Body, Mind and Soul? In ‘Beauty’ today, let us talk about...

    Keywords: tips for face, lightly massage, tips for eyes, Beauty care solution

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