One of the beautiful gifts given by the ultimate supernatural power to the man kind be it good or bad, see and experience this World. And not many people are blessed with clear vision, without any add one’s to get it, like spec’s or contact lens or any other problem that is restricting us from clear vision. It is not just about faulting what you have, it is also about taking care and maintaining this precious gift given to us. Be it by using eye care products of any brand without a proper research or straining our eyes with not giving much rest to them, we are ignoring our basic eye care. So, here are certainsuggestions that can help you take a better care of your eyes;
Take A vitamin diet to make eyes brighter. (papaya, eggs, fish, milk, cilantro etc.,) Wash eyes with cold water to get sparkling eyes.
Put potato slices on your eye to get rid off those dark circles.
Soak cotton in Luke warm milk and cover eyes with it for 15 min.
To soothe tired eyes, dip cotton pads in chilled milk and place on closed eyes for 10 minutes. Now relax completely.
To completely relax the eyes and the surrounding muscles, close your eyes and think of something that is pleasant or soothing and at a distance. Now gently open your eyes and look into the distance. Next focus on an object at arm's length. Do this extremely relaxing exercise four or five times a day.
Soak 1 tsp. dry Alma in one cup of water overnight. Next morning strain it through a muslin cloth and then add one extra cup of water. Splash your eyes with this solution each morning. This makes your eyes sparkle.
Wash your face before sleeping, and ensure that there is no make-up on your face before you sleep, because, make-up creams may spoil your face as it will be there for the whole night. It is better if no cream is applied. What I feel is, wash your face before sleeping and if at all you want to apply any cream, just apply night cream and none other than that.
And the do’s and don’ts to pamper your eyes;
To relieve tired eyes, apply a cupped palm on your eyes to make them feel relaxed, these comforts and soothes your eyes.
Another good eye relaxing technique is to look far and then at a point close to you rapidly a few times.
Avoid reading while sleeping and maintain a distance of about one to one and a half feet between the eyes and your book.
Relax your eyes with warm compresses by dipping a napkin in Luke warm water, squeezing the water and place the napkin on your eyes.
Use of a moisturizing or lubricating eye drops also relieves tired eyes.
Take care of your eyes for a better vision and better experience while watching those you want to and like to!